Friday, January 23, 2009

Rh.Sinau :Solar Power

Rh. Sinau is situated at Ng.Sebilat,Sg.Gaat. It's a 3o door long house. It's those few long houses that have Solar Panels for supplying electric.

Power produced is not that great, but enought for lighting , tv and ordinary house hold appliances. In rainy days like this, it's only good for lighting only.

This is the solar panel that is used for harnessing the sun's power. Solar power for Rh.Sinau was completed in 13 february 2000.


Anonymous said...

ur blog is so nice!By the way at your free time try to visit my site.I'll also visit yours often.I'll add you in my blogroll as soon as you visit mine.Hope you'l visit soon.

Borneo Falcon said...

Nice one. Didn't realize they use solar panel for longhouse now

Anonymous said...

Thanks for dropping by!I've added you in my blogroll hoping that you'll also add me.Try to visit mine often,I'll also follow yours regularly

Anonymous said...

how much its cost to put solar panel? or these solar panel sponsored?

Martin MY said...

Every house in the world should have one - stuff the oil producers!

Rob.b said...

Firstly I would say that your blog is nicely designed. Actually we must get inspired by seeing the use of Solar Panel in different areas of the world, for running household electric appliances, industries, and in other places like street lights etc.


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