On the Southern Westerly top of Australia, where the Indian and Southern Ocean meet, stands Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse as a solitary structure.
The Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse was officially proposed in 1881 but did not come into service only 15 years latter. Built of local limestone, the tower has an elevation of 56 meters above mean tide level with an intensity of 1 million lux. The light is visible for a range of approximately 25 nautical mile.
Welcome to Cape Leeuwin.
Meeting place of two oceans.
The Antartic Circular curved circles Antartica West to East, between 40 degrees and 70 degrees South. It's northern edge turns North and heads up along the Western Australian coast. From May to September each year, the Leeuwin Current transport warm tropical water southwards around Cape Leeuwin and along Western Australia's Southern Coastline.
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